Unusual surprise is prepared for the future residents of Art Deco Wola Apartments in Warsaw, where a mosaic in the art déco style will be soon installed. This original work of art was prepared by special order in the fine arts studio of the artist, Lubosz Karwat; along with the completion of construction works, it will decorate the next Terra Casa investment.
A large mosaic (220cm high and 160cm wide) will be placed on the elevation of the “Art Deco Wola Apartments” building at the main entrance to the representative lobby. This intriguing and unique mosaic in the 1930s style is made from 24carat gold, glass, marble, granite, and onyx by a well-known artist, Lubosz Karwat, the recipient of numerous mosaic competitions in the world. Lubosz Karwat is also the first Polish person in history who was awarded the main prize in the competition of artistic mosaic in Turkey. In order to grant the exceptional texture to his work, the artist implemented height differences between the stones, which resulted in the effect of low-relief.
The Art Deco mosaic is now exhibited to our clients in Terra Casa Warsaw office at 5 Siedmiogrodzka Street and subsequently it will be placed by the general contractor of the Art Deco investment, the Strabag company, on the facade of the apartment building in the district of Wola. The illuminated work of art will resemble 1930s decadent times and refer to the artistic magnificence of a Bohemian Warsaw.