The construction phase of POZNANSKA 10 residential project in the center of Cracow will soon be completed. “Our project is very popular among residents of Cracow and surrounding areas, who are looking for high quality apartments with functional layouts” – says Artur Tlustochowski, Terra Casa CEO.
The quality, good architecture, state of the art solutions and care for detail distinguish Terra Casa on the Cracow real estate market. Terra Casa has successfully completed the Park Hill residential complex of single-family houses in Mogilany and medium-scale residential projects near Blonia recreation area in Cracow. “The factors, which bring Customers to POZNANSKA10 project are attractive prices of apartments with the most desired areas and impressive design solutions” - emphasizes Dorota Kaczmarczyk, Terra Casa Sales Adviser.
“We decided to improve the quality and standard of the project, especially the facade and the common area available for all the residents, so they will be the flag of the project” – adds Grzegorz Kopeć, Project Manager. After completion of construction works the area in front of the building will be carefully arranged with greenery. In addition, the sculpture-installation of a well-known artist Dariusz Pala will be placed in the courtyard. In co-operation with an interior design studio Terra Casa prepared an offer for the finishing of apartments.
The first residents will move into POZNANSKA 10 project by February 2016. As of today there are only few apartments left for sale.
More info about POZNANSKA 10 residential project: